Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Month Full of Love

February has been another busy month. Will there ever be a non-busy month? Guess not.

A week before Valentine's this is what I got to watch all the way home from the bus stop. They were so cute! You can tell they love each other.

To get ready for Valentines day we made some valentines and made some pink muffins to eat on Valentine's Day!

(I knew Jaxon wouldn't eat pink muffins so I made him some without the food coloring)

We decided we'd try not to get the kids too much candy for Valentine's Day so the woke up to little presents at the table. We got Naomi some valentine's socks (which she loved) and Jaxon got a toy school bus which I found at the dollar store. And they both got bubbles, you can never go wrong with bubbles. Daddy also got them valentine stickers which he brought home after work.

 (Here is Jaxon in the Robot valentine shirt I made him.)

 (And here is Naomi in her valentine shirt.)

Jaxon and I got to go help in Naomi's class for her Valentine party. Jaxon had so much fun and Naomi loved that we could come. I brought my camera but left it in the car. So sadly I have no pictures.

For Valentine's Day Cory and I didn't go out, we stayed in. We decided to do meaningful gifts. Cory got me 100 grand candy bars, which are my favorite and for my birthday when we first started dating he got me my own bag of them. And he also got me twizzlers, which are my most favorite candy. For Cory I gave him some reese pieces candy and a journal for us to write memories in. On the first page was a Clue #1 for a cheesy Love Scavenger Hunt. He had 5 clues and before he could receive the next clue he would have to perform a task. A couple of the tasks were tell each other our favorite memory and quality, another one was dance to a couple songs and another was watch funny Youtube videos. We had fun, even if it was a little cheesy.

The next morning I told Jaxon to go sit in his seat for breakfast, but instead of getting in his booster he sat at the table. He is so big.

The next Sunday, after dinner, we did bubbles in the backyard while Jaxon practiced his chip shot. Naomi even sang some opera for us.

What a good month it has been. I love my family. I love my kids so much.

**And if you have time, go check out my guest post for a St. Patrick Day Craft at Fun On A Dime.

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