**Warning this will be a long post, but there will be lots of pictures**
I can't believe it's already February. January flew buy, probably because it was such a busy month.
First off, Naomi has been taking dance classes since August and they had their first recital at the beginning of January. Naomi was really excited and I was too especially since every time I asked Naomi about what she did in dance class she would say "Nothing." (This is her answer 95 percent of the time.)
Naomi did a good job, she was so cute. She didn't smile at all but you could tell she was really concentrating. Afterward I asked her if she was nervous and she said "No." Naomi was so happy that Great Grandma Taylor, Aunt Amy, Uncle Craig, cousin Brennan, Jack, Abbey, and Koreen could come. (I will load the video of her recital later, it's on Cory's phone).
We had preschool at my house the second week of January and we talked about Snowmen. So I had the kids dress up as snowmen. This was Naomi's snowman pose.
Naomi's craft for the month was to paint a bird house. I got it in the dollar bin at Michael's and it was totally worth it. She loves that it is hanging in the tree in our front yard.
This is Naomi and Jaxon in their new church clothes that they got for Christmas from Grandma Dorie (this one's for you mom). I'm very biased but don't you think my kids look so cute. The outfit Jaxon is wearing is 12 months, he's only 6 months old. Love my chunky baby!
This month was full of sickness. Naomi had a double ear infection, and then I got pink eye and flu symptoms because of it. Luckily no one else in the family got pink eye.
Jaxon is a rolling machine. He just rolls and rolls and rolls. He doesn't crawl yet, thank goodness, but I still have to keep an eye on him. Naomi loves rolling around with Jaxon too. He loves watching her and thinks everything she does is hilarious. One day he was laughing and Naomi got all sensitive and came over to me in tears saying "Mom, Jaxon is laughing at me." I had to explain to her that he just loves her and he laughs because he's happy to be around her. My answer kind of satisfied her.
Jaxon is teething a ton. The front of his shirt is always soaked. He now has 5 teeth, with another on its way. I am nursing him but I am not sure how much longer this will last. I want to nurse till he's 1 but I've already been bitten a couple times. I made it to 8 months with Naomi so hopefully I can last that long.
Jaxon is 6 months old. Crazy, he is my chunky monkey. The doctor says he is growing well, here are his stats:
Wt-18.15lbs (50th %tile)
Ht-27.25 inches (70th %tile)
Head-17.5 inches (70th %tile)
This is what Jaxon is doing and loving at 6 months:
- He says "Mama" all the time, it kind of makes Cory sad, but secretly I love it
- He rolls everywhere, can kind of scoot
- Won't take a bottle, but loves his sippy cup
- Attached to 2 toys-a guitar toy and a frog teether rattle (does not like when I take it away)
- Laughs and smiles almost all the time
- Just started waving his hands (video soon)
- He loves food and has loved everything I've given him-squash, peas, mango, avocado, kiwi, homemade apple sauce, green beans. But his least favorite are the green beans.
- Loves peek a boo
- Responds to his name
It's so fun to see him grow and change, but I wish he'd just stay little.
Our backyard has been crazy overgrown with weeds and tumble weed. This weekend we finally got our backyard back.
So my good friend Katie has done a 35 things list as her New Years Resolution that last two years (it's a modification from those 1001 things to do in 101 days lists). So I made my own list. Some are super easy and some are tougher. I've been meaning to post it but just been busy. So here is my list and each month I'll post an update to try and see how well I am doing.
1. Read the entire Book of Mormon
2. Write in my journal everyday for 1 month
3. Read all the Relief Society lessons (chose this when I was still the Primary Secretary, I'm not anymore but I'm still doing this)
4. Go to the temple once a week for 1 month
5. Get a new picture of Christ for my home (Cory took the one we have and put it in his office)
6. Try a new recipe once a month (main dish or dessert)
7. Make 1 weeks worth of frozen meals
8. Make 1 months worth of frozen meals
9. Eat meatless for one month (did this for a class in college, so I could totally do this again)
10. Don't eat out for 1 month (this could be tough, but I'm going to try)
11. Donate to DI
12. Clean out garage
13. Install garage door opener (I won't do this, I guess it's more for Cory but it's still on the list)
14. Change light bulbs (this may seem a little silly but Walmart has been out of the bulbs we use for a while now)
15. Finish Naomi's and Jaxon's Room
16. Paint curtains for sliding glass door
17. Finish backyard
18. Declutter house (aiming for 1 or 2 rooms a month)
19. Immediately fold laundry after it's been dried for 1 month (this one may seem a little silly, but I've been having a hard time with this one lately)
20. Lose baby weight
21. Train for a race
22. Don't eat sweets for 1 week
23. Get haircut (this one is going to be drastic)
24. Get a pedicure
25. Throw a party
26. Invite friends over for dinner/dessert/game night (this doesn't have a number but I hope I can do this often)
27. Have a month-long spending freeze (no wants only the bare necessities-did you just start singing the song from Jungle Book because I did)
28. Order checks
29. Go on a picnic
30. Go on a hike
31. Teach Naomi to read
32. Craft twice a month with Naomi (Hopefully we'll do more but I'll aim for at least twice)
33. Teach 5-10 signs
34. Take 1 year pictures
35. Finish 1 year scrapbook
I'll update you on January soon.
And if you made it to the end here is a cute video of Jaxon.
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