So usually my posts are about Naomi, but I just felt I really needed to share what I've been thinking about lately.
When we drove home from Utah at the beginning of the week, we went a way we have never ever been. We basically went the scenic route (which took 2 hours longer to get home). Cory was really frustrated because he knew we were supposed to turn off at a certain place and he didn't, and we really just wanted to be home. I just laughed because I knew that being frustrated wouldn't magically get us home faster, but seriously we drove forever through the windiest roads I've ever been on through the mountains of Arizona (yes mountains, but not like Utah mountains). So we were driving and we were getting so sick of driving in the mountains. Every turn there were more mountains winding around every single curve, going up and down. I really just wanted to see a town, buildings, people, or something to know we were getting closer to home. The whole time we were talking about how nice it would be if there was a bridge because it would cut our time in half. So I know I'm jabbering on, but I'm getting to my point. Well I feel like lately that is how our life has been, we're on this long, curvy path trying to figure life out after college. We're moving forward but it doesn't always feel like it because the scene is the same. Most days it doesn't bother me because I know everything will work out, but some days it's tough. So today when I was fasting I asked for reassurance and today during church I got it. I read the words to the hymn "Be Still, My Soul" and "Lead, Kindly Light" and I started to cry, He let me know he heard me. The words that really stuck out to me were from the second verse of "Be Still My Soul, it said "all now mysterious shall be bright at last." And from "Lead, Kindly Light," it said, "I loved to choose and see my path, but now; lead thou me on." Right now we're in that time where we're not sure what our future holds, we can't see what our path is, that time of uncertainty, but soon, when the time is right, we'll know and it won't be a mystery.
If any of you are confused, I'm sorry. But if any of have been feeling this way lately go read these hymns, it helped me to remember that God hears us and that He is with us and we need to trust Him because he will lead us down the right path.
8 years ago
oh boy do i know how you feel. especially with economy the way it is, it is hard for us young folk to feel comfortable. i love that hymn. i am so glad your prayers were answered. it's the best feeling in the world to know that He will always be listening if we just will talk. love your little family.
thanks for sharing those thoughts close to your heart. i feel like that too, with retirement staring us in the face. it's not that settling. Pres Eyring's conf talk he spoke on Adversity. Read his words again... so fill of hope and so reassuring. We just need to know that our Heavenly Father loves us and that these trials are giving us the experience that will make us like Him. Love you...
Thanks! I totally know what you mean about the road and the after college journey. I'll have to think about those hymns more often. -Michelle G
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